Miles in Murray is officiallly up and running! If you could please head over there and follow me so that I can also follow you, that would be awesome!
Thank you guys so much!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Miles In Murray
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Some Really Good News for my Waistline!
The White Chocolate Peanut Butter I picked up at the grocery store is gone! At first, I thought it was too sweet. Then, before I knew it I was practically licking the jar! So, now I know not to buy it again. Well, not for now anyways.
I did quite a bit of work on the new blog last night. Go over there and follow now. I will do my first real post next Monday! I am sooo excited. Once I reach 100 followers, I will be doing a giveaway. So, go follow now and tell me what you think so far!
Today's Workout: 5 minute warm up on the bike. Followed by 2.09 miles in 20 minutes on the treadmill. I wanted to go 4, but I was running behind and didn't want to make myself later than I was. So....
Goal of the Day: Do the 6 week 6 pack ab DVD tonight!
I will be back later today for food blogging today's meals!! Have a great day!
Do you run better on the treadmill or outside?
I am definitely an outside runner. 9:15 second miles for 4 consecutive miles outside....that's easy. On the treadmill, I can run a 10:00 mile and be DYING 2 miles in!
I did quite a bit of work on the new blog last night. Go over there and follow now. I will do my first real post next Monday! I am sooo excited. Once I reach 100 followers, I will be doing a giveaway. So, go follow now and tell me what you think so far!
Today's Workout: 5 minute warm up on the bike. Followed by 2.09 miles in 20 minutes on the treadmill. I wanted to go 4, but I was running behind and didn't want to make myself later than I was. So....
Goal of the Day: Do the 6 week 6 pack ab DVD tonight!
I will be back later today for food blogging today's meals!! Have a great day!
Do you run better on the treadmill or outside?
I am definitely an outside runner. 9:15 second miles for 4 consecutive miles outside....that's easy. On the treadmill, I can run a 10:00 mile and be DYING 2 miles in!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Another Loss
Wow 127.6 today! I lost another 2.2 pounds this week. I really want my REALLY want it!
I did the first day of Jillian's "6 week 6 pack" DVD last night. I have done it before(2 weeks ago) and made it 8 minutes into it. Last night I did 19 minutes. So, it is a work in progress, but my trouble zone is my tummy. I haveNO very little ab muscles. I am anticipating this taking a little longer than 6 weeks at 5 days a week :) The plan is to do this DVD Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I really want a nice tight tummy by summer.
As I have mentioned before, I am moving to "Miles In Murray" before or on next Monday, which is the start of marathon training. So, go follow now. I will post for you to follow me about 1 million times from now until next week. Obviously, I have a lot of work to do on it before then, but I will slowly do that over the next few days :) Some stuff you will get at "Miles In Murray":
What would you like to see on "Miles In Murray"?
I did the first day of Jillian's "6 week 6 pack" DVD last night. I have done it before(2 weeks ago) and made it 8 minutes into it. Last night I did 19 minutes. So, it is a work in progress, but my trouble zone is my tummy. I have
As I have mentioned before, I am moving to "Miles In Murray" before or on next Monday, which is the start of marathon training. So, go follow now. I will post for you to follow me about 1 million times from now until next week. Obviously, I have a lot of work to do on it before then, but I will slowly do that over the next few days :) Some stuff you will get at "Miles In Murray":
- I want to get a little more personal with my fellow bloggers. I want you to know me, not as continuous changes, but as Tiffani. I am the girl that lives in Murray, Utah with my boyfriend and our 2 dogs.
- I am going public and sharing with family/friends. I do not currently have many real life friends reading this. Maybe 5 people.
- Goal of the Week, Goal of the Day and Goal of the Month.
- I will post my full training plan and weekly rundowns of how half marathon/marathon training is going.
- Exciting events happening in the near future!! I can NOT wait!!
- Updates on the fun things we do year round. Birthdays, Camping Trips, Vacations, and lots of pictures included.
- What I am eating and drinking.
- and much much more!
What would you like to see on "Miles In Murray"?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Weekend Round Up
Well, I have been a busy busy girl! I can't remember Thursday or Friday so I can't recap it. II sucked at blogging. I was on a roll though. Getting back to that today.
Today's Goal of the Day was to throw away clothes that I am NOT going to wear anymore.It was accomplished. I did that right when I got home from work. I have a HUGE stack of clothes waiting to go to the big brother, big sisters program :) I love donating, it makes me feel so great :)
Saturday morning I was up at 8, but cuddled in bed with my Love and pups. It was so nice. We finally got out of bed at 9. Chad(the boyfriend) had a dentist appointment at 10:00 so I hit up the gym. I did 25 minutes on the eliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill. I have officially purchased a 24 hour fitness membership and so far it is great. I got to the gym at 10:03 and left at about 11:.00. I hit up the grocery store for a couple of items for lunch. Once I got home, I ate a 1 egg and 2 egg white with spinach and tomato scramble, 1 piece of honey whole wheat toast and 2 clementines. Then, I made blueberry chocolate chip muffins. Chaddy LOVED them. I showered and got all dolled up and then sat around for the rest of the day. It was a waste of makeup, but I felt good about myself haha.
Today, I woke up and went to the gym at 10:00 yet again. Once home I repeated yesterday's brunch only with a blueberry muffin in place of the toast. Then, I worked 12-6. The rest of today invovled cleaning out the dresser and closet, laundry, cleaning the kitchen, eating roast(Lovey makes the BEST roast!) and french beans, now I am blogging and then hitting bed. See you with the Goal of the Day tomorrow morning!
What is your favorite piece of workout equipment at the gym?
Today's Goal of the Day was to throw away clothes that I am NOT going to wear anymore.It was accomplished. I did that right when I got home from work. I have a HUGE stack of clothes waiting to go to the big brother, big sisters program :) I love donating, it makes me feel so great :)
Saturday morning I was up at 8, but cuddled in bed with my Love and pups. It was so nice. We finally got out of bed at 9. Chad(the boyfriend) had a dentist appointment at 10:00 so I hit up the gym. I did 25 minutes on the eliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill. I have officially purchased a 24 hour fitness membership and so far it is great. I got to the gym at 10:03 and left at about 11:.00. I hit up the grocery store for a couple of items for lunch. Once I got home, I ate a 1 egg and 2 egg white with spinach and tomato scramble, 1 piece of honey whole wheat toast and 2 clementines. Then, I made blueberry chocolate chip muffins. Chaddy LOVED them. I showered and got all dolled up and then sat around for the rest of the day. It was a waste of makeup, but I felt good about myself haha.
Today, I woke up and went to the gym at 10:00 yet again. Once home I repeated yesterday's brunch only with a blueberry muffin in place of the toast. Then, I worked 12-6. The rest of today invovled cleaning out the dresser and closet, laundry, cleaning the kitchen, eating roast(Lovey makes the BEST roast!) and french beans, now I am blogging and then hitting bed. See you with the Goal of the Day tomorrow morning!
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting?
What is your favorite piece of workout equipment at the gym?
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Workout and Breakfast: In Style
Workout: 15 Minute Warmup and 2.5 miles on the treadmill(Ran 2 walked half).
Breakfast: Maple Syrup Oatmeal with a Banana and White Chocolate Peanut Butter!(SOOO GOOD!)
I can't believe that half marathon training starts on Monday the 27th. Ahhhh....I am so excited! I know for sure I can do SO MUCH BETTER this year.
Before we get started on the fun, I wanted to let you know that I have decided on a new blog name and actually opened the blog up. Do you plan on following me to my new home? It should be up by Monday morning! I am soo excited. I have a lot of great ideas for that space.
The Gorgeous Paula over at Eat: Watch: Run has gifted me the "Stylish Blogger Award"! Thank you so much Paula, I love getting these fun awards :)

There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they�ve won!
7 Things About ME!
1. I eat the chocolate outside of the Reese's before the peanut butter centers.

2. My due date(when I was in my momma's tummy) was April 1st. I stayed in that warm little home 8 days past that....Procrastination at its finest!
3. I only have a handful of pictures of Chad and I. He hates having his picture taken. This being the cutest EVER!
4. One day, when I was 5, I was supposed to be at cheer practice, but I had serious issues with paying attention. So, instead I crashed my bike into a fence and my lip went right through the metal handle bar. I had reconstructive surgery. I still have a thick scar on my lower lip from it, but I absolutely love it!
5. I am a nail biter, but am currently trying my booty off to quit! Ahhh....
6. I LOVE beer! Especially Blue Moon with 2 oranges squeezed in it. Yum!

7. My cousin's cousin started calling me Tiffi Tata's when I was 19 or so and there are a few people who still call me that! The truth is, I love the nickname.
Breakfast: Maple Syrup Oatmeal with a Banana and White Chocolate Peanut Butter!(SOOO GOOD!)
I can't believe that half marathon training starts on Monday the 27th. Ahhhh....I am so excited! I know for sure I can do SO MUCH BETTER this year.
Before we get started on the fun, I wanted to let you know that I have decided on a new blog name and actually opened the blog up. Do you plan on following me to my new home? It should be up by Monday morning! I am soo excited. I have a lot of great ideas for that space.
The Gorgeous Paula over at Eat: Watch: Run has gifted me the "Stylish Blogger Award"! Thank you so much Paula, I love getting these fun awards :)
There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they�ve won!
7 Things About ME!
1. I eat the chocolate outside of the Reese's before the peanut butter centers.
2. My due date(when I was in my momma's tummy) was April 1st. I stayed in that warm little home 8 days past that....Procrastination at its finest!
3. I only have a handful of pictures of Chad and I. He hates having his picture taken. This being the cutest EVER!
4. One day, when I was 5, I was supposed to be at cheer practice, but I had serious issues with paying attention. So, instead I crashed my bike into a fence and my lip went right through the metal handle bar. I had reconstructive surgery. I still have a thick scar on my lower lip from it, but I absolutely love it!
5. I am a nail biter, but am currently trying my booty off to quit! Ahhh....
6. I LOVE beer! Especially Blue Moon with 2 oranges squeezed in it. Yum!
7. My cousin's cousin started calling me Tiffi Tata's when I was 19 or so and there are a few people who still call me that! The truth is, I love the nickname.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Weigh In, Weekend and GOTD
Happy Monday Everyone! I hope your weekend treated you well.
Friday night, we did a whole bunch of watching movies and relaxing. After work, I went to 24hour fitness and picked up my trial membership. I will give you the low down when the 7 day trial is up.
Saturday morning I had a Body Combat class at a local studio giving a free class to try out new moves. It was AWESOME! I was soooo sweaty and breathing heavy after the hour long class. It was absolutely worth waking up at 7:45AM on a Saturday for. After that, I went to the gym to use the trial membership for the first time. I hopped on the DREADmill and it was terrible. I have such a horrible time running on them. I literally ran 1 mile and hopped onto an eliptical for a half hour. After my 1hr and 40minute workout at the gym/Body Combat I DID NOTHING all day.
Sunday was all about running errands, cleaning watching movies and eating grass fed top sirloin steak! AMAZING!
This mornings weigh in had me at............
That is a 2.6 pound loss for the week! Taken, thank you! I am safely into the 120's and only 9.9 pounds away from being under the 120's for the first time in 13 years! Woohoo! Next week I hope to lose 1.5 pounds.
Today's Goal of the Day: Do Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack DVD!
Did you do anything exciting and new this weekend?
Friday night, we did a whole bunch of watching movies and relaxing. After work, I went to 24hour fitness and picked up my trial membership. I will give you the low down when the 7 day trial is up.
Saturday morning I had a Body Combat class at a local studio giving a free class to try out new moves. It was AWESOME! I was soooo sweaty and breathing heavy after the hour long class. It was absolutely worth waking up at 7:45AM on a Saturday for. After that, I went to the gym to use the trial membership for the first time. I hopped on the DREADmill and it was terrible. I have such a horrible time running on them. I literally ran 1 mile and hopped onto an eliptical for a half hour. After my 1hr and 40minute workout at the gym/Body Combat I DID NOTHING all day.
Sunday was all about running errands, cleaning watching movies and eating grass fed top sirloin steak! AMAZING!
This mornings weigh in had me at............
That is a 2.6 pound loss for the week! Taken, thank you! I am safely into the 120's and only 9.9 pounds away from being under the 120's for the first time in 13 years! Woohoo! Next week I hope to lose 1.5 pounds.
Today's Goal of the Day: Do Jillian Michael's 6 week 6 pack DVD!
Did you do anything exciting and new this weekend?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Already Completed Goal of the Day....
...But did not tell you what it was.
Goal of the Day: Go to 24hour fitness and find out about their rates.
I have completed that and have a week free pass to "try it out". Depending on how it goes with the actual working out, I think they are the clear choice for me. They are 10 minutes or so closer, less than a mile from my house, they give you the ability to freeze memberships(which will be nice if there is ever an injury), and a few other things. So, we will see how it goes.
I do have another Goal of the Day for today though.
NEW Goal of the Day: Work out at 24hour fitness tonight after dad's birthday party!
Goal of the Day: Go to 24hour fitness and find out about their rates.
I have completed that and have a week free pass to "try it out". Depending on how it goes with the actual working out, I think they are the clear choice for me. They are 10 minutes or so closer, less than a mile from my house, they give you the ability to freeze memberships(which will be nice if there is ever an injury), and a few other things. So, we will see how it goes.
I do have another Goal of the Day for today though.
NEW Goal of the Day: Work out at 24hour fitness tonight after dad's birthday party!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
GOTD Update
So, yesterday's goal of the day didn't quite pan out, but I am calling it a success.
Today's GOTD: Make it back to the gym and hopefully run 4 miles!
I did not run. However, I did speak to 24 hour fitness about the best time I can come in. They said between 8AM and 9PM. Well, I work from 8:30AM to 5 PM and then 6PM to 9PM. So, those times don't work for me. So, I gave it my best effort.
I called up one of the besties(Hi Ash!) and started talking to her. She is a member of Gold's Gym. I asked her if she would be interested in taking some classes with me if I join and she said YES!! Woo hoo! I love getting stinky with friends!
Today's Goal of the Day: Get my booty into Gold's Gym and talk about memberships!
What is your goal for today?
Today's GOTD: Make it back to the gym and hopefully run 4 miles!
I did not run. However, I did speak to 24 hour fitness about the best time I can come in. They said between 8AM and 9PM. Well, I work from 8:30AM to 5 PM and then 6PM to 9PM. So, those times don't work for me. So, I gave it my best effort.
I called up one of the besties(Hi Ash!) and started talking to her. She is a member of Gold's Gym. I asked her if she would be interested in taking some classes with me if I join and she said YES!! Woo hoo! I love getting stinky with friends!
Today's Goal of the Day: Get my booty into Gold's Gym and talk about memberships!
What is your goal for today?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I don't need no babysitter....
This morning started out SUPERB! I woke up out of bed and sprang to my feet. Okay, okay...I hit snooze 2 times! Got up at 5:10AM put on my gym clothes and was out the door. Then, I noticed I forgot my headphones. Back inside it was. Grabbed my headphones and took off for the gym. Then, I realized I forgot my water bottle. I said awe screw it, I can make it 4 miles without my water.
So, I get to 24 hour fitness to (hopefully) redeem my 7 day free pass. I walk in and the kid doesn't understand what I am asking(he was holding the coupon mind you). So, I explain it to him again. His response, "You can only redeem these after 8AM because the manager has to be present! Can you come back later today". Really? I don't need a babysitter, can't you just let me use it so I can decide whether to join or not? I mean I understand rules and shiz, but it did not say anything on the coupon about certain times you could redeem it. I was PISSED when I left. Today I feel like....maybe I am getting some anger problems!? I just wanted to effing workout HARD! Oh well, I am calling the manager today to see what time "babysitting" hours end. Hopefully, I can make it in there after work tonight(9:30PM) which I am NOT happy about by the way.
End Rant!
The boyfriend and I went to Costco last night and picked me up a SWEET juicer :) So, expect some juicing stories in the near future!
Yesterday's GOTD: Clean out all of the CRAP from the fridge and the pantry.
So, I get to 24 hour fitness to (hopefully) redeem my 7 day free pass. I walk in and the kid doesn't understand what I am asking(he was holding the coupon mind you). So, I explain it to him again. His response, "You can only redeem these after 8AM because the manager has to be present! Can you come back later today". Really? I don't need a babysitter, can't you just let me use it so I can decide whether to join or not? I mean I understand rules and shiz, but it did not say anything on the coupon about certain times you could redeem it. I was PISSED when I left. Today I feel like....maybe I am getting some anger problems!? I just wanted to effing workout HARD! Oh well, I am calling the manager today to see what time "babysitting" hours end. Hopefully, I can make it in there after work tonight(9:30PM) which I am NOT happy about by the way.
End Rant!
The boyfriend and I went to Costco last night and picked me up a SWEET juicer :) So, expect some juicing stories in the near future!
Yesterday's GOTD: Clean out all of the CRAP from the fridge and the pantry.
GOTD Status: Completed!
Today's GOTD: Make it back to the gym and hopefully run 4 miles!
"I don't HAVE to get up and go to the gym at 5AM, I CHOOSE to!"
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
It's 7:11 in the morning...
....and I am actually blogging. Blogging in the morning will work out perfectly for my schedule. As Love leaves for work at 6:45. I don't have to be in the shower until 7:20 or days like today when I am NOT washing my hair, it will be more like 7:30.
I woke up and did 15 minutes of Jillian's 6 week 6 pack DVD. Man, that is tough. I only did 15 minutes because I didn't have time to do the whole thing AND blog. So, I decided I will do what I can and finish it later or do Jillian's yoga meltdown DVD later.
A couple of more things to add to my new years resolutions are:
**I will drink 1-2 cups of coffee before leaving for work in the mornings. That way I can be focused solely on water consumption all day.
**I will also drink 20 oz. of water before the coffee in the mornings.
**Remember to take vitamins/iron supplements everyday.
I couldn't get through to 100 oz of water yesterday because I had a 24 oz of coffee to finish and it took me until about 11 AM to do it.
I realize that my resolutions will be all about baby steps. Starting with the getting up at 5AM. Today, I just COULD NOT DO IT! Not even at 6 I couldn't. My iron deficiency is really kicking my trash lately. I need more veggies/red meat and less sugar and CRAP!
Today's menu:
BF: Oatmeal with raisins, PB and a banana that if I don't eat within 20 minutes will surely be bad ;)
Lunch: Spaghetti Squash with Sauce
Snack: Apples with White Chocolate PB(?Maybe)
Dinner is going to be Prime Rib, I believe and a big salad.
Today's Agenda, assuming it pans out is Costco. I really love buying fruits/veggies from them because you get SO MUCH!
I am also going to start doing a "Goal of the Day"! Baby steps...Baby steps.
Today's GOTD: Clean out all of the CRAP from the fridge and the pantry.
What is your Goal for the Day? I hope you have a fabulous day, because you ARE FABULOUS :)
I woke up and did 15 minutes of Jillian's 6 week 6 pack DVD. Man, that is tough. I only did 15 minutes because I didn't have time to do the whole thing AND blog. So, I decided I will do what I can and finish it later or do Jillian's yoga meltdown DVD later.
A couple of more things to add to my new years resolutions are:
**I will drink 1-2 cups of coffee before leaving for work in the mornings. That way I can be focused solely on water consumption all day.
**I will also drink 20 oz. of water before the coffee in the mornings.
**Remember to take vitamins/iron supplements everyday.
I couldn't get through to 100 oz of water yesterday because I had a 24 oz of coffee to finish and it took me until about 11 AM to do it.
I realize that my resolutions will be all about baby steps. Starting with the getting up at 5AM. Today, I just COULD NOT DO IT! Not even at 6 I couldn't. My iron deficiency is really kicking my trash lately. I need more veggies/red meat and less sugar and CRAP!
Today's menu:
BF: Oatmeal with raisins, PB and a banana that if I don't eat within 20 minutes will surely be bad ;)
Lunch: Spaghetti Squash with Sauce
Snack: Apples with White Chocolate PB(?Maybe)
Dinner is going to be Prime Rib, I believe and a big salad.
Today's Agenda, assuming it pans out is Costco. I really love buying fruits/veggies from them because you get SO MUCH!
I am also going to start doing a "Goal of the Day"! Baby steps...Baby steps.
Today's GOTD: Clean out all of the CRAP from the fridge and the pantry.
What is your Goal for the Day? I hope you have a fabulous day, because you ARE FABULOUS :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year...
So, I weighed this morning. Not Good! I have officially gained more than 8 pounds since April. I am sitting at a high 132.4 today. I was maintaining within 5 pounds of my lowest weight, but the holidays packed it right back on. I am sooo determined to get to my goal this year. I will lose 2 pounds by next Monday!
I have to whip my booty back in shape! This is not good. Clothes are getting tight and I refuse to buy new ones. I am getting lazy and that is one thing I never wanted to do again.
Here are my "resolutions":
**I will do some form of exercise every day and report it here. Whether it be taking Lenny for a walk or doing a Jillian DVD.
**I will wake up at 5AM Monday-Friday, but Saturday and Sunday I get to sleep in.
**I will blog at 5AM before I workout.
**I will drink at least 100 oz. of water a day.
**I will reincorporate clean eating into my diet.
**I will cut portion sizes.
**I will run the SLC Half Marathon in under 2:10:00.
**I will run 3 half marathons this year(more to come on the previous 11 halfs and 1 full goal I set).
**I will be better about tidying my house daily with a deep clean once a week.
**I will read at least 20 pages of Eat.Pray.Love a day. After that, 20 pages a day of the next book I read.
**I will make an effort to contact at least 1 friend or family member I don't normally talk to once a week.
**I will put down the computer at night and spend that time with Love.
**I will get to work at 8:25AM or before and be a better employee.
2011 is going to be a great year, no matter what happens!
I am still working on the new blog. I will have it up eventually, but it is going to take some time to really get the right name/design/feeling that I want it to have to represent me :)
How is your new year so far?
I have to whip my booty back in shape! This is not good. Clothes are getting tight and I refuse to buy new ones. I am getting lazy and that is one thing I never wanted to do again.
Here are my "resolutions":
**I will do some form of exercise every day and report it here. Whether it be taking Lenny for a walk or doing a Jillian DVD.
**I will wake up at 5AM Monday-Friday, but Saturday and Sunday I get to sleep in.
**I will blog at 5AM before I workout.
**I will drink at least 100 oz. of water a day.
**I will reincorporate clean eating into my diet.
**I will cut portion sizes.
**I will run the SLC Half Marathon in under 2:10:00.
**I will run 3 half marathons this year(more to come on the previous 11 halfs and 1 full goal I set).
**I will be better about tidying my house daily with a deep clean once a week.
**I will read at least 20 pages of Eat.Pray.Love a day. After that, 20 pages a day of the next book I read.
**I will make an effort to contact at least 1 friend or family member I don't normally talk to once a week.
**I will put down the computer at night and spend that time with Love.
**I will get to work at 8:25AM or before and be a better employee.
2011 is going to be a great year, no matter what happens!
I am still working on the new blog. I will have it up eventually, but it is going to take some time to really get the right name/design/feeling that I want it to have to represent me :)
How is your new year so far?
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