I have said this for the past month and a half, but this time, no kidding! I have been up and then down so many times and the inconsistency is kicking my trash! I feel blah about running and working out and the EXCUSES, O.M.G. the excuses are sooooo old and soooo terrible. Where did my motivated tushy go.
She nose dived in the deliciously unhealthy side of the world.
No more! It's Over! I Am Done! I Am Tired Of Being So Out Of Control!
Personal Guidelines need to be followed! So, I will be following them from here on out. I have a goal to get to!
Starting tomorrow, I am going to track on SparkPeople.com. I will save labels and add every ounce of food to enter my mouth and every single mile/eliptical exercise I do. My schedule this week will look a little something like this:
Daily: 1200-1300 calories a day. Stretch. No Binging.
Monday: 3 mile run.
Tuesday: 30 Minute Upper Body workout(Thanks, SparkPeople!). 60 minutes eliptical/stationary bike/staiir climber.
Wednesday: 3-4 mile run.
Thursday: 30 Minute Lower Body workout. 60 minutes eliptical/stationary bike/stair master.
Friday: 3 mile run.
Saturday: 4 mile run. 30 Minute Full Body.
Sunday: Yoga/Rest Day.
My next doctor's appointment will be in late August and I would like to weigh 115 by then. So, I have 2 months and 2 weeks to lose 13 pounds. I am sure I can do this. 1.3 pounds a week is totally doable. However, I won't be weighing until I get a new scale. Hopefully by July 1st! So, I am committed to getting motivated like I was before. I will post progress everyday to keep me accountable and please feel free to call my ass out!
You ladies rock!! I am working on some stuff to kick on no sweets for 2 weeks starting next Monday so get your cute booties ready!
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